My name is Oscar Rodriguez. My interests focus mainly on game creation: programming, game design, 2D art and music.
As a computer engineer, my main field of expertise lies in computers. I mostly focus on networking, computer graphics and algorithmics, as well as a whole lot of programming in as many languages as I can learn.I graduated from Los Andes University in Bogota, Colombia, and then pursued my master’s degree at Ohtsuki Lab in Keio University in Yokohama, Japan, as a recipient of the Monbukagakusho scholarship. I then worked for five years at Sega in Japan, five more years at Google Japan, and now I’m part of the Game Engineering team at AMD Japan. Below, you can see which games I have contributed to.
My favorite means of expression is pure homegrown ANSI C. However, most of my recent coding is done in Lua and C#, both of which I find to be quite enjoyable. Due to the circumstances, I commonly find myself writing in C++, Python, JavaScript or php. I particularly hate Java, even though I sometimes have to work in it.
I have also coded in more than 20 other programming languages, ranging from the mainstream to the esoteric.
Everything in this website is in English, but I am also a native Spanish speaker, fluent in Japanese, and can string up sentences in French. Feel free to contact me by email, by writing to o-rodrig [at] rapapaing [dot] com.
I sometimes contribute to some other sites:
- Google Developers Blog: Advanced in-app billing: handling alternative purchase flows
- Google Developers Japan: 高度なアプリ内課金: 様々な購入フローに対応する
- Google Developers Blog: 10 things you might be doing wrong when using the SafetyNet Attestation API
- Google Developers Japan: SafetyNet Attestation API を使う際に陥りやすい落とし穴
- Becoming Legally Japanese Blog: On name choosing, and personal identity
You can also find me on twitter, but I don’t write too often in there though…
I have worked on the following game titles:
- Kingdom Conquest for iPhone (SEGA): Program Support (game is no longer active)
- Phantasy Star Eternal Hunters (SEGA): Programming (game is no longer active)
- Kingdom Conquest for Android (SEGA): Program Support (game is no longer active)
- Sangokushi Conquest (SEGA): Programming, Server Lead (game is no longer active)
- Dragon Coins (Sega Networks): Programming (game is no longer active)
- Kingdom Conquest II (Sega Networks): Programming (game is no longer active)
- Gundam Conquest (Bandai Namco Games): Programming (game is no longer active)
- LINE Sonic Dash S (Sega Networks): Technical Advisor (game is no longer active)
- Project Diva F 2nd (SEGA): Development Support
- Phantasy Star Nova (SEGA): Programming
- 7th Dragon III: Code VFD (Sega Games): Programming Team: Graphics
You can actually see my name in some of the games I’ve worked on, in this blog post!
I also have a small indie game development group. Hopefully you would have already played some of our games on Steam!